Earn your 25, 50, 100 or 200 straight shooting patch and certificate like these folks have already done!

To apply for yours, please submit a photo of you along with your official registered shoot card earning either 25, 50, 100 or 200 straight targets with your Caesar Guerini shotgun to info[at]gueriniusa.com and be sure to include your mailing address and contact information. Once you’ve received your patch and certificate, please send us a photo and we’ll share it on our social channels to let everyone know about your achievement.

Congrats to AJ Peralta - 2024 CYSSA Trap Young Adult State Champion (California Youth Shooting Sports Association) who won with his Caesar Guerini Summit Trap after an intense 3 rounds of shootoffs. Also, Congrats to AJ on earning his 25 straight patch and certificate in the process. Keep up the good work AJ 👏

#CaesarGuerini #25straight #trapshooting #Trap #statechampionship #claytargetsports #shotgunsports #shootingsport #youthsports #reachinggoals

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That amazing feeling when you get something brand new and run 25 straight right out of the gate‼️ Congratulations Brooke on earning your 25 straight milestone in trap with your new Caesar Guerini Summit Trap Combo 👏💥💥 and thank you to @eliteshotguns for helping Brooke make the connection with her new BFF.

#CaesarGuerini #25straight #grandamerican #Trap #americantrap #shootingsport #shotgunsports #newgun #trapshoot #shootata #trapshootingislife #clayshooting

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Ronaldo Girardi from Brazil 🇧🇷 congrats on running 100 straight with your Caesar Guerini Invictus I Trap! 💥💥

#CaesarGuerini #100straight #trapshooting #Trap #brazil #teambrazil #grandamerican #shootata #shootingtrap #achievinggoals #milestones #shotgunsports

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If you see Mr. Scobbie here at the Grand American Trap Championships be sure to tell him congratulations! David Scobbie ran 25 straight with his Caesar Guerini Summit and earned his milestone patch and certificate. The big smile on his face says it all. Great job Mr. Scobbie!

#CaesarGuerini #25straight #trapshooter #grandamerican #shootata #shootingtrap #Trap #claytargetsports

103 1

100 straight! Nice work Wyatt Murray on earning your third milestone in trap. Next up, 200! Keep it rolling and keep crushing it Wyatt. 💥💥

#CaesarGuerini #100straight #trapshooting #Trap #milestones #shotgunsports #shootingtrap #achievinggoals #grandamerican

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Good Story Incoming... Meet Sierra Sparenberg. Sierra stopped in to see us during the AIM Grand and was looking to upgrade from her current setup. She tested out two of our models and crushed 25 straight with both, off the shelf, on the practice fields. Then connected with our dealer here at the facility to make her purchase after settling on the Caesar Guerini Summit Trap Compact. Sierra then competed at the event right afterwards with her brand new purchase and crushed 100 straight!! Message received. Upgrade successfully‼️ Congratulations and well done Sierra 👏

#CaesarGuerini #100straight #newgun #italianshotguns #trapshooting #shootingsports #shotgunsports #Trap #shootlikeaboss #outdoorsports #shootlikeagirl

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Landon Lohberger crushed 75 straight with his Caesar Guerini Apex Trap! Since we do 25, 50, 100 and 200 Landon got his first two milestones checked ✔️ and ready for his next one at 100 straight. Keep crushing them Landon.

#CaesarGuerini #25straight #50straight #trapshooter #trap #trapshooting #milestones #shotgunsports #clayshooting

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It`s raining 50s over here 🌧 nice shooting Braeden Hirsch on earning your second milestone at 50 straight with your Caesar Guerini Summit Trap!

#CaesarGuerini #50straight #trapshooting #Trap #shootata #grandamerican #milestones

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Alright Peyton Luketich we see you over there crushing 50 straight with your Caesar Guerini! Nice shooting!

#CaesarGuerini #50straight #trapshooting #Trap #milestones #outdoorsports

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200 straight! That`s what Hunter Prockish crushed with his Caesar Guerini Summit Trap! Way to go Hunter!! You are in rare company with this milestone and you get the special gold patch. 👏 a big congrats, keep it rolling.

#CaesarGuerini #200straight #italianshotguns #milestones #reachinggoals #trapshooter #trapshootingislife #clayshooting #shotgunsports #shootingsports #competition #outdoorsports #crushingclays

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Way to go Tyler Harmon on crushing 50 straight in Trap with your Caesar Guerini Summit Trap!

#CaesarGuerini #50straight #trapshooter #trap #trapshooting #milestones #achievinggoals

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Congrats to Cole Haynes on 100 straight in Trap with his Caesar Guerini Summit Trap!

#CaesarGuerini #100straight #trapshooting #trapshootingislife #milestones #shotgunsports #Trap

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100 straight for Landon Leenerts in Trap with his vintage Caesar Guerini Magnus Trap!

#CaesarGuerini #100straight #trapshooting #Trap #italianshotguns #shootata #shootingsports #milestones

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Congratulations Michael Hillyer on your first 50 straight!

From Michael: "Purchased a CG Summit Trap Combo from Target Shotguns. Received it 6/11/24 and ran my first 50 in an ATA event at the Arkansas State Shoot on 6/22/24! Awesome shotgun!"

Interested in getting your shooting patch? All of the details are on our website.

#CaesarGuerini #50straight #trapshooter #trap #americantrap #shootingsports #shotgunsports #shootingtrap #shootata #trapshootingislife #clayshooting #goalsetting

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Congrats to brother and sister Gerrit and Maria Meinders for their accomplishments here at SCTP Nationals in Ohio. Gerrit with his 75 straight (even though we don`t offer a 75 patch, he got a 25 and 50) and Maria with a 50 straight... both in Trap. Keep up the great work!

#CaesarGuerini #25straight #50straight #sctpnationals #sctp #nationals #goalsetting #milestones ##outdoorsports #crushingclays #family #squadgoals

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Squad Mates crushing it here at SCTP Nationals! Congrats to Ryan and Gracie on earning your shooting patches and milestones and for sharing it with us. Keep making us proud! 👏

#CaesarGuerini #Syrenusa #sctpnationals #youthsports #sctp #25straight #100straight #trapshooter

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100 Straight in Trap! Congrats Ryan Martin on your accomplishment! That`s a big one!

#CaesarGuerini #100straight #sctpnationals #sctp #nationals #trapshooter #Trap #clayshooting #shotgunsports #shootingtrap

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Nicely done Jonathan Lackey on earning your 25 straight in Trap with your Caesar Guerini here at SCTP Nationals.

#CaesarGuerini #sctpnationals #mysctp #shootingsports #shotgunsports #reachinggoals #25straight

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Way to go Mattox Purdham on crushing 25 straight with your Caesar Guerini Invictus III and earning your first milestone. We hope you had a great SCTP Nationals and thanks for sharing your achievement with us! 💥💥

#CaesarGuerini #25straight #sctpnationals #mysctp #youthsports #shootingsports #nationals #shotgunsports

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James Lindmark nice shooting with your Caesar Guerini Invictus I Sporting this week at SCTP Nationals. Congrats on earning your first milestone at 25 straight in Trap.

#CaesarGuerini #25straight #sctpnationals #trapshooting #mysctp #shootingsports #shotgunsports #reachinggoals #clayshooting #shotgunsports

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