Mark started shooting trap in 1969 and competed heavily up until the early 1990s. In 1992 Mark started working with Lloyd Woodhouse (Head Shotgun Coach for USA Shooting) at USA Shooting and became one of Lloyd’s Assistant Coaches in 1995. During his tenure as an Assistant Coach for USA Shooting, Mark worked with BJ McDaniel to develop the NRA/USAS/CMP Level 1 “Basic” Shotgun Coach Course. Subsequently, Mark worked with other nationally recognized shooting coaches to develop the NRA/USAS/CMP Level 3 “Advanced” Shotgun Coach Course.
Mark and BJ then co-authored the book “Break ‘em All” which is considered by many as the number one book on helping shooters to resolve shooting problems and improve performance. Mark identified mental training as the one area lacking in most shooters who fail to accomplish their goals. As such, Mark began to focus on coaching efforts in this area and authored one of the bestselling books on sport psychology techniques for trap, skeet and sporting clays titled “Clay Target Shooting – The Mental Game”. While Mark enjoys shooting recreationally and local competitions with friends, he spends the majority of his time coaching clay target shooting athletes and offering clay target shooting instruction. Mark teaches monthly beginner shotgun clinics at his home range to introduce new shooters to the clay target disciplines and travels nationally & internationally teaching coaching courses and working with world-class athletes.
Certifications: NRA/USAS/CMP Advanced International Shotgun Coach
Years Shooting: 40 Years
• “Break ‘em All”, by BJ McDaniel and Mark Taylor
• “Clay Target Shooting – The Mental Game”, by Mark Taylor
• USA Shooting (USAS) Gun Fit Training Video for USAS Coach Academy Courses.
• USA Shooting Assistant National Shotgun Coach, 1995 – 2005, United States Olympic Training Center (USOTC), Colorado Springs, CO
• Developed and taught the NRA/USAS/CMP Level 1 “Basic” Shotgun Coach Course.
• Developed and taught the NRA/USAS/CMP Level 3 “Advanced” Shotgun Coach Course.
• Shotgun Instructor – Colorado Clays Shooting Park, Brighton, CO
• Head Coach – University of Colorado Shotgun Team, 2014 to current
• AIM Level 2 Shooting Coach
• 1981 World Games, Clay Target Shooting, Gold Medal Team
• 1981 World Games, Clay Target Shooting, Silver Medal Individual
• 1981 Zone 7 International Clay Target Championships, Gold Medal Trap
• 1980 Zone 7 International Clay Target Championships, Bronze Medal Trap
• 1982 United States Olympic Training Center summer resident athlete
• 1979 – 1981 United States Olympic Training Center visiting athlete
What model do you use:
Summit Impact
What do you like about your Caesar Guerini: How has it improved your shooting:
As an instructor/coach the best feature(s) of the Caesar Guerini Summit Impact is the ability to make the necessary adjustments to fit a shooter. Since gun fit is the most important factor in the ability to consistently shoot higher scores – having the capability to make adjustments to a shotgun to achieve a near-perfect fit is very important. The Caesar Guerini Summit Impact has adjustments to fit a shooter and adjustments to ensure the point-of-impact is congruent with how the shooter intends to shoot.