I have been shooting Sporting Clays for more than 30 years, Master Class, 19 All American Teams in Veteran and Super Vet., and I am a Level III NSCA Instructor for over 20 years.
Year Born: 1949
Gun Model: Invictus I Sporting 12g with 32” barrels
Any modifications? ISIS Recoil System
Years Shooting:1986
What do you like about your Caesar Guerini? How has it improved your shooting? Very reliable, balanced, feels good, by far the most reasonably priced quality gun on the market.
Primary Discipline: Sporting Clays
Home: Austin, Texas
Do you give shooting instruction? Yes, I’m an NSCA Level III Instructor
Home Club: Capital City Clays, Austin, Texas
What knowledge can you share that would make people better shooters? Find an instructor that you feel really comfortable with, one that can help you with the mechanics of the game and managing your mental game and stay with him or her.
Notable Wins:
- 2x Texas All State Team
- 4x NSCA All American Veteran Second Team
- 2x NSCA 12 Gauge All American Veteran Second Team
- 2012 Texas Pump Gun Champion